Dignora Pastorello (Banfield, 1913 - Buenos Aires, 2001). Cursó sus estudios en la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes y los perfeccionó, entre 1953 y 1957, en los talleres de los pintores Jorge Larco, Ramón Gómez Cornet y Luis Centurión. Hacia finales de la década comenzó a realizar muestras individuales y colectivas. Integró el grupo Los Cinco. En 1967 fue invitada a participar de la muestra Primitivos actuales de América, realizada en Madrid. Expuso en diferentes ciudades de Italia en unión con doce pintores argentinos, y en Washington con el grupo de pintura ingenua. También participó de exhibiciones en Ecuador y México. Desde 1958 sus obras fueron aceptadas en salones nacionales y provinciales, por las que obtuvo numerosos premios. Sus obras forman parte de importantes colecciones públicas como las de los Museos de Bellas Artes de las ciudades de Avellaneda, Campana, Catamarca, Luján y Posadas; Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Genaro Pérez de Córdoba; Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires; Museo de la Universidad de La Plata; Museo del Mar de Mar del Plata; Museo de Arte Moderno de Mendoza, entre otros. Asimismo, integran colecciones privadas del país y del exterior.
Dignora Pastorello (Banfield, 1913 - Buenos Aires, 2001) graduated from the prestigious National School of the Fine Arts of Buenos Aires. Between 1953 and 1957 she perfected her skills in the workshops of painters Jorge Larco, Ramón Gómez Cornet and Luis Centurión. As from the late 1959s she started exhibiting her works in collective and solo exhibitions. She joined Los Cinco, a group of artists and participated in the exhibitions of the group. In 1967 she was invited to participate in the exhibition Primitivos actuales de América, (Contemporary Primitives of America) in Madrid. Her works toured several Italian cities with others of twelve Argentine selected painters. Her paintings were exhibited in Washington with the works of naïve painters. Her paintings were also exhibited in different venues in exhibitions in Ecuador and México. Since 1958, her paintings were displayed in National and Provincial forums where she also won numerous awards. Her works are part of important public collections, among which are the Fine Arts Museums in the Argentine cities of Avellaneda, Campana, Catamarca, Luján and Posadas; the “Genaro Pérez” Municipal Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba; the Modern Art Museum of Buenos Aires; the Museum of La Plata; The Museum of the Sea of Mar del Plata; the Modern Art Museum of Mendoza. Her works are also found in private collections in Argentina and abroad.